
5 simple tricks for a flatter stomach: Cut out the trimbauch tips from experts

Closer Share five simple tips and tricks to get a flatter stomach. Nutritionists, doctors and experts weigh how to get a trim belly in good time for the summer!

Relate to burn a few calories

While the movement is obvious, it may not be – planning. According to the medical news today, it says: “The standard plank concerns the following muscles: the core, a group of important muscles that connect the spine and the pelvis; The upper belly muscles and the lower abdominal muscles. Planning burns more calories than other abdominal exercises because it incorporates the arms, legs and back. “

Add fiber to your diet to help weight

Per Lena BealA therapeutic nutritionist with heart in Piedmont, who eats fiber -rich foods such as fruit, vegetables, beans and whole grain products. But she realizes that it is best to do this slowly, since “too much can add too quickly to gas, flatulence and cramps”.

Probiotics are advantageous and can be just as tasty

For nutritionists Jonny BowdenAuthor of The most effective natural healing of the earth“Probiotics are” good “bacteria that help your digestive system reduce food and prevent the stomach -intestine problems that you can prevent you from having a flat stomach.” Good sources of a probiotic food are yogurt, kimchi, miso and even sauerkraut.

Don't forget to prioritize an optimal sleep

“If we don't sleep well or have sleep disorders, this can affect hunger hormones,” says Cleveland Clinic Dietitian Dr. David Creel. “There is actually a biochemical reaction to sleep deprivation that makes us eat more.”

Less stress to improve general well -being

“The small loads of life actually increase the production of cortisol by the brain, the combat or flight hormone that was useful when we lived in caves,” said experts from Western Kentucky University. “Today, Cortisol only causes additional fat storage in the stomach instead of helping them to exceed a tiger with a saw hingus!”