
According to the authorities, a 16-year-old killed a neighbor in Calhoun County after being masked, although the investigators confirm that the victims do not do so.

Update: The Calhoun County's office made it clear that the two victims were not wearing masks, but the suspect told the investigators that he was believed at the time of the shootout that he was at the time of the shootout.

Calhoun County, SC-Das Coroner's Office of the Calhoun County, released the identity of a 19-year-old man who was allegedly shot by a teenager that the investigators believe that he may be hallucated after the meal of a drug compartment.

The Calhoun County's office said that the MPs were called to an Elloree address on Friday around 8 p.m. in the 300 block of the Cardinal Road. Die Behörden sagten, die andere Person sei in das Prisma Health Richland Hospital in Columbia geflogen worden.

Weitere Untersuchungen führten die Abgeordneten zu einer anderen Person und seinem 16-jährigen Sohn. The investigators learned that the teenager supposedly consumed a rubber cut to marijuana, began to “feel hot” and started to panic.

“When he entered the kitchen, he watched two people with white masks,” said the sheriff's office. “He explained that he went into his father's bedroom and picked up a shotgun, opened her and returned to the kitchen.”

However, the sheriff said on Saturday that the victims were not actually masked and the shooter knew both and had previously collapsed with them. Der Sheriff fügte hinzu, dass das verstorbene Opfer ein Nachbar des Verdächtigen sei.

Calhoun County's forensic doctor, Donnie Porth, identified the deceased victim as an 19-year-old Darius Aiken, who recently withdrawn from Summerton to Elloree.

The investigators are currently investigating the possibility that the marijuana rubber was laced with a hallucinogen that exacerbates the incident.

The authorities did not publish the name of the shooter due to his age, but said he was charged with murder, murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime.