
70-year-old man dies in the house fire

Lamar County, Miss. (WDAM)-A forensic doctor of Lamar County confirmed on Saturday that a 70-year-old man from Lamar County died on Friday afternoon in a house fire on the Rutledge Road.

The victim's identity was not released until the next theatrical notifications are given.

In the early Friday evening, first aiders received several calls that reported the house fire.

Kyle Hill, coordinator of Lamar Count, said, callers reported that they heard what sounded like a loud explosion and a person in the house.

The answers could not get in on arrival, since the fire had already spread in the rest of the house.

Since the fire was too great for firefighters to go inside, all extinguishing efforts were made from the outside, ”said Hill. “The structure was an older, wooden house with an increased floor.

“The roof fell onto the ground, so it made it difficult for the firefighters to get in and carry out an internal attack. Most of the attack came from the defensive mode of the outdoor area.”

After the fire had released, an investigation began.

“Around 6:30 p.m. (pm), 7 (pm) last night we confirmed that we had a death in the fire,” said Hill. “At this point I contacted the Lamar County Medical Examiner (Coroner) and the Mississippi State Fire Marshal's Office and completed this examination and recovery of the victim.”

Hill said the fire started in the kitchen before spreading to most of the house.

The cause of the fire is currently indefinite. The examination continues.

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