
A criminal register Amnesty for TRNC citizens

Yasemin Öztürk, Chairman of the Legal Affair Committee of the TRNC Parliament, announced that an amnesty for the amnesty is being prepared especially for TRNC citizens.

A criminal register Amnesty for TRNC citizens

Continue to speak BRTÖztürk explained that the amnesty on people with criminal records will aim for minor crimes. She emphasized that people with minor convictions are often exposed to obstacles to employment in both public and private sector. “We have to integrate these people back into society,” she said.

Öztürk added that the Republican Turkish Party (CTP))) was asked for suggestions on this matter. After receiving proposals, the draft law is checked in the committee.

She made it clear that the amnesty would focus on people who were condemned battery And petty theft Crimes (those who have not received more than a year). “We appreciate the opportunity for everyone to have a second chance in life,” said Öztürk, emphasizing how important it is to give people the opportunity to find employment and support their families.