
A Pitt football player died from the state in a fatal car accident

CBS News Pittsburgh


An athlete who committed himself to the Pittsburgh University's football program died on Saturday in a car accident in Indiana.

He was identified as Mason Alexander.

Alexander played football in Indiana on the Hamilton Southeasters High School and was included in the University of Pittsburgh after early completion.

“Mason was a special young man who touched the life of everyone he met. His smile, his presence and energy would shed light on every room in which he was in,” said Mike Kelly, head coach of the Hamilton Southeasters Royals.

In a statement by Pat Narduzzi, head coach of the University of Pittsburgh, he said that he had ever received a call without a parent, teacher or coach, who had ever received the news about the sudden loss of a young and promising life.

“Our entire program is shocked and deeply sad to learn from Mason Alexander's death. Mason had just enrolled with Pitt in January,” said Narduzzi.

“He will always be a panther for us.”