
A wet start with potential for more snow in cascades and Olympic games

Predicting early spring: a wet start with potential for more snow in cascades and the Olympic Games

We finally see a snowshoe in the cascades and Olympic games. A low snow mirror pounds both the skiists and the highways over the mountains.

When spring officially arrives in Western Washington in Western in the early Thursday morning, you are probably wondering what will come next.

The latest 8-14-day forecast from the climate forecast center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says that you can plan almost normal temperatures for this season for the next two weeks. That would mean heights in the lowlands in the low until the mid -1950s, but still cold enough to get more snow in the mountains.

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In the next 8 to 14 days, the forecasts of the government are that the state forecast gives a chance of 40 to 50% over the normal precipitation. This is good news for our fighting snow cover this year.

If you look further outside, the latest 3-4-week temperature view is out and the NOAA demands the same opportunities of over or below the normal temperature from late March to April 11th.

During the same period, you can expect a 60-70% probability of one above normal precipitation. This means that you have a wet start here, and hopefully a lot of spring snow in the cascades and the Olympic Games.