A showdown between Alexander Zverev in the World No. 2 and No. 33 Matteo Arnaldi underlines today's action in the 32 round of Aberto Mexicano Telcel Presentado Por.

Zverev is 9-3 a year with zero tournament victories. Arnaldi recorded a 4: 3 record this year in three tournaments and did not claim profits from the tournament.

Read our chances of winning the ANERTO Mexicano Telcel Presentado Por HSBC to get more Intel in the eight games today.

Tennis contrary with the kind permission of BetMGM Sportion. ODDS updated on Tuesday at 2:56 a.m. For a complete list of sports betting chances, Access USA Today Sports Wetting Scores Odds Hub.

Today's games in the Mexicano Telcel Presenado Por HSBC