
According to Alaska Airlines flight attendant, shooting about Viral Terk video was “unfair”.

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A flight attendant of Alaska Airlines has opened when she was released from her job after publishing a video of her duking in uniform.

Nelle Diala decided to celebrate the end of her necessary six -month trial period by publishing a private Tikok now in an empty plane, while with a caption with the inscription “Ghetto until I die, the uniform do not fool you”.

In an interview with Insider Edition Last week Diala revealed that the airline cited a violation of its social media policy as the reason for her release.

“Every time I climbed onto this plane, I have a proud face to end myself without giving me a chance, it was just unfair,” she said. “I was really proud of myself that I got that far. I just didn't think that my video and my contribution and the way I dancing would be considered inappropriate. “

Diala also said in one of the post seen Daily Mail that the airline was “discriminated against” because the dance “was geared towards the urban community”.

“So of course the company wants to accept” all cultures “, but leave out the minority girl from the ghetto,” she added.

Nelle Diala claims that Alaska Airlines was “wrongly released” for violating the social media directive of the airline after publishing a Tikkok in the course of an empty aircraft ((Gofundme)))

Diala started a Gofundme page in January, in which people were asked to support them in the middle of their sudden unemployment. The fundraiser has now closed after collecting a total of 3,312 US dollars.

“The video became viral overnight, but instead of love and support, it brought unexpected exam. Although it was a bad decision in my name, I didn't think it would cost me my dream job, ”she said in the description of the page.

“Although this was my dream job, I used the income to finance my flowering lingerie and dessert shops,” she added.

The former flight attendant made it clear that nobody was on the plane at the time because the video was recorded during a stay and she tried to “hype” herself.

Diala said it was

Diala said it was “unfair” that she was fired at the incident ((Inside Edition/CBS)))

“It was a harmless clip that was waiting for pilots for two hours at 6 a.m.,” she said. “I decided to just take advantage of the moment to wake me up and take up for my day.”

In an explanation The independentAlaska Airlines said: “Although we do not comment on personnel matters, we keep all flight attendants on high standards for behavior and host care. All new flight attendants are subject to the trial period, just like all of Alaska Airlines. “

She did not mention the name of the airline in the video and did not believe that she would lose her job, said Diala. “I never thought that a single moment would cost me everything.”