
ACCPD Bloter: Theft, shooting and a mysterious cross | City news

Theft of a gift card of the weapons business

On March 6th, a gift cards worth over 500 US dollars were stolen to Franklin Gun Shop in a house in a house in a house in West Athens in a house in Western Athens.

The next day, the victim called the Athens-Clarke County police department when he went to Franklin Gun Shop and saw a woman who used the stolen gift card to buy a firearm.

She said that she hadn't known that it was stolen and got her from a friend to buy a firearm for him because he was a convicted criminal and could not buy a firearm himself.

Her friend, who had been waiting outside of Franklin, left the scene on foot and avoided the police until he was finally arrested at a traffic stop, where he found that he was illegally owned by another firearm.

The man was charged with a convicted criminal for theft due to reception, disability of a law enforcement officer and possession of a firearm.

Man supposedly shoots a car

Around 9:30 p.m. on March 5, an ACCPD representative responded to a report on tightened bodily harm. The caller, who had called earlier but did not want to submit a report at that time, said that he was in his car in his car in his car when a man approached the window of the passenger side, showed a gun through her and told the caller and his friend.

The caller said when he asked the man, he shot the ground in front of the car and let the caller go away. He later noticed that his front left tire was flat.

After he had driven away, the caller parked in the house of another friend and he and his passenger were picked up. He could not remember the type of weapon that the alleged attacker had or what color his clothes had. The officer found that the tire on the passenger side was flat, but did not find that the puncture in the tire matched a ball or found mussel covers at the scene of the crime.

The officer recorded the phone call with the caller and photos of the car.

Strange cross in the local church

On March 5, a woman contacted ACCPD at around 10:36 a.m. for a suspicious package in the Unitariian Universalist Fellowship Church last month. The package, which contained a wooden triple cross sculpture with the name of the church on the type sign, was hung on the door of the church on February 15, without a note.

The staff of the church was concerned about the cooperation of the right intersection by repentant and believed that the package could be a kind of threat or harassment.

The church had received a package with bullets last October, which increased the concerns regarding the harassment.

ACCPD only submitted a report for information purposes.