
Adam Anderson urges Florida National Leading in Genetic Medicine

Rep. Adam Anderson Discloses new laws that would try to position Florida as a national leader in genetics, gene therapy and precision medicine.

He plans to reveal the proposed legislation entitled “Sunshine Genetics Act” in detail from the Florida State University (FSU) Institute for Pediatric Rare Diseases for Rare Diseases -Day Symposium (FSU).

On the whole, the law would set up a genetic test program for newborns, which is to be administered by the FSU unit for rare diseases. It would also create a collaborative network among the top state universities to promote research, diagnosis and treatment of rare genetic disorders.

The problem of rare diseases is an Anderson champions. His son, Andrewsuffered from Tay-Sachs disease, an ultrarar fatal genetic disorder with only 16 cases nationwide annually.

“For me, this legislation is deeply personal,” said Anderson. “After I had lost my son Andrew against the Tay-Sachs disease at the age of four, I made it my job to ensure that no family had to face a rare genetic diagnosis with a rare genetic diagnosis. With this bill, we take a big step forward to make Florida a hub for groundbreaking medical progress that will save lives. The future of medicine comes to Florida. “

The FSU Pediatric Rare Diseases Institute was opened last February after Anderson was committed to this and granted an initial grant of $ 1 million. He later helped to secure government funding of 5 million US dollars, which was announced at the first symposium of the institute. The institute is part of the FSU Health and works to help children through rare diseases through research, education and clinical care.

According to Anderson's office, more than 7,000 rare diseases are known that affect around 350 million people worldwide. His calculation tries to expand tests for such diseases while accelerating medical research into their treatment and bringing hope to those who suffer and their families.

“Florida is up to date with genetic and precision medicine,” said Anderson. “By investing in newborn screening and university research, we not only promote scientific we change life.”

Last year Anderson successfully initiated by an invoice (SB 1582) with a subsidy program to finance scientific and clinical research on rare diseases.

The program facilitates the scientific and clinical research grants in order to examine pediatric rare diseases and to demand cooperation between universities, research institutes and community practitioners in order to ensure comprehensive approach to further development and treatment of rare diseases in children.

Since the death of his son, Anderson and his family have been active in order to promote research in rare diseases Cure Tay Sachs Foundation And theirs AJ Anderson Foundation. Anderson previously worked with the former house spokesman Chris Spruls At the day of Tay Sachs Awareness Day in Florida on August 10th, Andrew's birthday.

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