
Additional DWI implementation meets the streets of St. Patrick's Day on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day Minnesota Roads

Duluth, Minn. -The Minnesota State Patrol will have additional DWI enforcement over the St. Patrick's weekend on streets across the state.

The heads of state and government of the state patrol shared this warning during a press conference in the area of ​​Twin Cities on Friday morning.

They said that so far in 2025 51 Minnesotans died in car accidents. At least seven of these incidents were alcohol.

In this sense, the Minnesota State Patrol reminds people to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and say that the best time to plan a sober journey home before they need it.

“It is not worth ruining a night by injuring someone or killing someone or going to prison, being arrested or a significant amount of fines or may have lost their license,” said Lt. Michael Lee. “Please think and drive safely.”

The Minnesota State Patrol also encourages the drivers to call 911 when they see a suspected drunk driver on the streets. They added that under these circumstances there is an exception to the “manual -free” of the state's trade.

In the past two years, the Minnesota State Patrol has arrested around 430 people on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day.

There were 10 fatal accidents at St. Patrick's Day between 2019 and 2024.

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