
Afghan and Pakistani armed forces act fire on the border, while a key crossing remains closed

Peshawar, Pakistan (AP) – Pakistani and Afghan armed forces exchanged an important northwestern border crossing overnight, which was closed for more than a week because of a dispute between the two neighbors, the officials said on Monday.

No losses were reported on both sides of the Torkham crossing, which has was closed for 11 days because of Pakistan There.

Both countries have in the past Closed Torkham and the crossing of the border of the southwestern Chamanmostly about fatal shootings and crossfire. The Crossings are of crucial importance for trading and traveling Between Pakistan and within Afghanistan.

A Pakistani civil servant who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not entitled to speak to the media said that the Taliban security forces in the early morning of Monday is unprovoco and against the Pakistani border post with automatic weapons. The Pakistani staff replied the fire, said the official.

There was no immediate statement on the exchange of the Taliban government in Kabul.

Thousands of trucks and vehicles are stranded on both sides of the Torkham crossing, so that people get stuck under hard winter conditions.