
Alumna Libby Payan '14 Share Career tips for the public sector

“Take part!”

Admit that you thought during the SSU orientation: “Are you paid for, how often you say that?” Libby Payan '14 offered as a life hour No. 1 to share with current students during a recent seminar “industry knowledge”.

Payan pursued her early career success in the public service in the takeover of roles at SONOMA State, which she pushed out of her comfort zone as introverted.

“I'm not sure if I would have done it somewhere else,” she said. “The smaller campus and classes of the SSU have made it easier to establish connections to faculties and other mentors. They gave me the support and the security net that I had to doubt myself. “

After she was not selected for summer orientation or a peer mentor in the first year in which she was requested, Payan said that she was involved in so many clubs, volunteer projects and other opportunities to improve her opportunities. She was selected for both roles next year.

“Being a summer orientation manager was a great personal challenge. It completely broke me out of my shell, ”she said. This experience served Payan in her first job as an intern of the Community Outreach at SONOMA-Marin Area Rail Transit (Smart) when she had to lead large-scale safety presentations in schools.

“I was there hundreds of children at every school up there. If you had told my younger, introverted myself that I would do so in my future, I would not have believed them, ”she said.

Payan, a double studies for environmental studies, planning and business, knew that she wanted to work in the public service and help people and the environment. She was attracted to urban planning after attending a course with Professor Tom Jacobson and hearing from a guest speaker Lois Fisher, whose work is in urban design. Another influence came from the TV series “Parks & Recreation”.

“I know that it sounds cheesy, but something about Amy Poehler's character made me think:” I want to be the Leslie -Knope of my agency. That is my goal. '”

Payan said that the transit planning was not on the list of all the government agencies she took into account. But when the internship opened with Smart, she said, she thought: “That brings me to the empire.”

Life hour No. 2: “Government authorities hire people within the government.”

“In our industry it is like music chairs because we all know each other. When a job begins, our first instinct is to look in our own pool, ”she said. “You may not get exactly what you are looking for, but if you can get your foot in the door and prove yourself, you can apply.” This was true for Payan, who switched from intern to the intern to the assistant planner during her six years.

Life less. 3: “Even if you think you are not qualified, still try. You don't know where it could lead you later in your career. “

Payan searched for a position in Napa County after moving there. In 2020 she applied to the Napa Valley Transportation Authority, even though she knew that she didn't have enough experience. But after going through the interview process, they told her: “We will call her when something appears.” Seven months later, they did that and they landed in their current position.

Life lesson 4: “Network. The establishment of connections is crucial to build up success in your career. “

“I know that introverted hears 'networking' and frightened, and introduce us to imagine in a large meeting of people. However, Networking can only follow the Alumni Association or send someone in an area that interests you, ”said Payan.

She suggested voluntarily to be committed, to connect organizations and clubs and to promote internships as other options for making professional connections.

Payan said she had joined the SSU Alumni Association's board to make more links between alumni and students, and encouraged anyone who was interested in the work of the government to contact you under LinkedIn or by e -mail to

“I want to help future Seawolven,” she said. “I plan to return.”

Take a look at them Whole webinar with Libby Payan On YouTube and see previous webinars on the YouTube channel of the Sonoma State Alumni Association.

Click this link Further information on the upcoming webinars of the Insights industry.