
Alzheimer's lawyers are upset to secure more support from the legislator

The increased public awareness of a weakening disease will be one of the priorities for those Alzheimer Association How the legislator will go into the legislative period this week.

The Florida chapter of the Alzheimer Association are preparing to aim the legislator while the house and the Senate convene on Tuesday. The main focus is on the expansion of the warning signs of the disease.

“Florida has long been a leader in the care and support of Alzheimer's and we hope to continue this trend in 2025” Angela McauleyRegional Vice President of the Alzheimer Association Florida Chapter.

“We have to be prepared with the number of Floridians affected by Alzheimer's increase. In addition to supporters from all over the state, the Alzheimer Association is striving to work with the legislative of Florida, and governor Desantis to ensure that every floridian and other dementia affected by Alzheimer's receive support. “

One point of great interest for Alzheimer's supporters is legislation (legislation (SB 398Present HB 1065) A request for appropriation of 1.5 million US dollars for Alzheimer's sensitization programs, whereby the department for older affairs is obliged to hire contractors for a sensitization program. If these programs were approved, these programs would start in July.

The Alzheimer Group will also be “used” for the continued financing for a “Brain bus. ““ These efforts would continue public transport for those who suffer Alzheimer's in more rural areas of the state. These residents find it difficult to get transport in around 30 from Floridas 67 counties, simply because there are no local transport in these areas. The brain bus helped around 13,000 Floridians in all 67 counties last year.

Home Services for Alzheimer's patients are another interest in the supporters. Around 18,000 family supervisors in the state are currently waiting to be added to the Alzheimer disease initiative. The Alzheimer Association says GOV. Ron Desantis' Recommendation for an increase of this initiative by 6 million US dollars plus another $ 8 million for the Community care for older people Program could offer important increases in intensive care services.

The group also urges Alzheimer's research on continued.

“Further research is important to find new treatments, prevention strategies and better management practices for Alzheimer's. The Alzheimer Association will work for the recommendation of the governor of $ 5 million to finance the ED and Ethel Moore-Alzheimer disease research program, which supports the research in Florida to promote understanding and the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, ”says an Alzheimer's association.

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