
Amazon removes her right to download Kindle Books

Amazon becomes a function for over 10 years that exists in the Kindle ecosystem, but do not panic (seriously, not).

From February 26, you can copies of Kindle e-books bought via Amazon by Amazon.

What does that mean? Let us collapse.

The “Download and Transfer via USB” function has almost as long as Kindles and in the early days it was an incredibly useful function, since Kindles had not yet integrated an integrated WLAN. As soon as Kindles started with Wi-Fi, a new “Send to Kindle” function was introduced, which does exactly what it says in the name: It sends books about Wi-Fi to her Kindle.

Libby, the Library Lending App app for e-books, and Netgalley, one of the leading websites for press, book influences and more, also use this Wi-Fi function for quick and seamless book delivery.

That is why the average Kindle user probably does not use this function. It is not very useful.

In fact, Amazon had already completely taken away this function for everyone with a Kindle model of 2024 before The deadline on February 26th. If your old Kindle continues, this can lead to problems when buying new Books, but if you use one of the newer models (at least until 2019), there is really no reason for the alarm. The function “Send to Kindle” that you are used to – the one integrated in Amazon itself, libby and netgalley – – Doesn't go anywhere.

As I said in panic and not in panic and definitely not your Kindle. Why? Because here is the honest truth of someone who tested e-reader in a handful of brands: Kindles are still the best on the market, even with this new change. The lightness to use it is simply unsurpassed by competitors like Kobo and Nook, no matter how you get your books.

I have never had to connect a child to a computer to get new books, and I can even take the time with the hotspot of my phone.

If you are the type of person who primarily buys e-books instead of lending them from Libby or a credit program like Kindle Unlimited, it will be more difficult to switch to a kobo or nook by removing this function, but if you are a Kindle user who literally never used this almost defined function. There is really no reason to switch to a brand new device ecosystem.

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