
Android 16 beta 3.1 -update published to fix a number of errors

The Android 16 Beta 3 is only 5 days old and Google already publish Beta 3.1 to improve a few problems. The new Android 16 Beta 3.1 fell a few moments ago and is provided for your pixel device.

The update should be slightly, but this is that Google really tries to crush errors that are available in May before switching off a stable update on Google I/O in May. Of course we still see Android 16 Beta 4 in between. This only shows how eager Google is to tighten the code.

Here is the publication information for this Android 16 beta 3.1 update:

Appearance date: March 18, 2025
Build: BP22.250221.013
Emulator support: X86 (64-bit), arm (V8-A)
Security Patch level: March 2025
Google Play Services: 25.07.33

Android 16 beta 3.1 error fixed: As far as errors are concerned, 4 elements are listed in the version instructions. Google has set an error in the settings app, which led to it repeatedly crashed, as well as a problem that strangely oscillate. They also dealt with a performance problem in which the battery outflow was caused by a high CPU load and a memory leak.

  • A problem was fixed that caused the system settings app to be repeatedly crashed when the system language was set to a language other than English. (Issue No. 403303683)
  • A problem was fixed that led to the screen brightness fluctuating between an app-specific brightness setting and the automatic, system-specific or custom brightness settings. (Issue No. 392522561)
  • A performance problem was fixed that led to excessive battery drain from a high CPU load.
  • A performance problem was fixed that sometimes caused memory leaks in the system server.

To achieve this latest update, you would like to join the Android Beta program and download it over-the-air. You can also flash the factory or OTA files manually. Here you will find Android 16 Beta 3.1 factory pictures and the OTA files here. For instructions on how you can flash a factory picture, go here. For instructions on the flash of an OTA .zip file can be found here.