
Angry Birds, Frogger and Trees among competitors for the world Hall of Fame in the world

The World Video Game Hall of Fame in the Strong Museum in Rochester is on the road with the list of this year's finalists.

The dozen competitors for the introduction this year are:

Age of the Reich, Angry Birds, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfreich, Defender, Frogger, Golden Eye, Golden T -Shirt, Harvest Moon, Mattel Football, Quake, NBA 2K, And Tamagotchi.

Jon-Paul Dyson is the director of the International Center for the History of the Electronic Games of the Strong's International.

“And so it shows how video games have crossed the time in the past half century, but also those that exist are those who are still fun, and so fun that this playfulness is always an important aspect of every game,” said Dyson.

This feeling of playfulness, said Dyson, was part of the game frogger, who even made it to the TV show Seinfeld.

“And sometimes they only have funny little cultural nuggets, a game like Frogger, which then ended as a famous scene in the Seinfeld episode, in which George Costanza tries to bring his old Frogger Arcade game on the street,” said Dyson.

Officials said that the Hall of Fame in the world of video game in class 2025 had received thousands of nominations. Fans can vote for their favorite finalists from March 6th to 13th as part of a ballot for “players selected” on

The three games that receive the public votes will form a ballot and join the other ballot papers, which were submitted by members of the international selection consulting committee, which consists of journalists and scientists from all over the world who are familiar with the history of video games and their role in society.

The last in the world video game Hall of Fame will be announced on May 8th.