
Annual recitative of the President of the President-Wilkes-Barre Citizens' voice

The students of Ninarose Lewko carried out a musical concert in which they presented their talents as pianists, singers and instrumentalists.

Lewko's Studio is a state and national Federated Studio by the Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs.

She is a member of the local chapter of the Mozart Club of Wilkes-Barre. The Mozart Club is very proud of each of the students that they have spent their day a day to share their talents and publicly express their joy and appreciation of the music.

The Mozart Club also wants to express Lewko for their dedication to their students and for preparation for this special presentation.

It is our goal as a music club to promote music in our community, but above all to promote the development of musical talents in the youth of the community.

The Mozart Club was organized in 1906 and improved in 1921 with the national and state feders of music clubs.