
Another trial in the criminal proceedings of Armenians, which are accused of war crimes

Another court meeting takes place for Armenians, which are accused of war crimes.

According to the report, the process in the BAKU justice complex, chaired by judge Zeynal Aghayev, is held by the Baku military court.

Charges have been Brought Against 15 Individuals: Arkady Gukasyan, Araik Arutyunyan, Bako Saakyan, David Ishkhanyan, David Babayan, Leva Mnatsakanyan, David Manukyan, Garik Martirosyan, Melikset Pashayan, Davit AllahDyan, Gurgen Stepanian, Levon Balayan, Madat Babayan, Vasily Begraryan, and Erik Ghazaryan. According to Their Participation in the Criminal Group, The Accused Face Charges Under the Following Articles Of The Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan: 100 (Planning and Conducting Aggressive War), 102 (Attacking individuals Or Organizations Under International Protection), 105, 105 (Extermination of Population), 106 (Slavery), 107 (deportation or forced relocation of population), 109 (Persecution), 110 (forcible detention of a person), 112 (Depreciation of freedom that violates international law), 113 (torture), 114 (mercenary activities), 115 (violation of laws and customs),), 116 (violation of international humanitarian law in armed conflicts), 118 (military creation), 214 (terrorism), 214-1 financing, 214-1. (Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transport or possession of weapons, components, ammunition, explosives and explosives), 270-1 (threats to flight safety), 278 (violent confiscation of power or violent storage of power, violent change in constitutional command) and 279 (Crove of armed formation).