
Areta says

Arsenal won one of her last three league games and grown the deficit against Liverpool to 13 points, an amount that appears insurmountable in this phase of the campaign.

The Gunners went through a difficult time, but Arteta was interested in strengthening that the feeling of fallen points cannot linger: “The moment they have a (bad) result, it hurts, but it has to take 24 hours. Because then you have to go on and you have to face the next game and the preparation.

“You can't get away from it. This is a great quality of a trainer or a player at this level, as they have another game in three days and they have to be emotionally and physically ready. “

The Champions League could be an opportunity for Arsenal to forget its disappointments of the league and the EFL Cup with which the Spaniard agreed: “It is a game that brings another energy. It is a competition that all gets toes.

“We have already done a lot this season and is now the moment to take strong steps in the direction we want. I'm really looking forward to the game….

“What is ahead is a team that a team like Juventus has removed with its history. I know their difficulty, we have played a lot against them in recent years and we know the difficulty of the game. “

PSV is also in poor domestic form, without you having wins in the last four games, but you have eliminated Juventus and this season is one of just four teams who have beaten Liverpool.

Areta will know how hard the game of tomorrow will be, especially in view of Arsenal's goal lists recently.