
Atlantic City, NJ, Mayor and Ms. Child Abuse of Criminal proceedings are set

The judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, Bernard Delury, set a negotiation date for the Mayor of Atlantic City, Marty Smsll, and his wife La'quetta Small, the superintendent of public schools in Atlantic City.

Delury set a final pre-court conference in early May 2025 and planned the attempt in mid-May 2025 for an estimated 10-day attempt.

Marty and La'quetta Small really have no choice but to go to court.

Due to the crimes they are accused of, and the public positions that they hold, a plea would not save a plea, losing their lucrative, elective and appointed positions.

In a casino gambling city, the smalls will roll the cubes and try to win everything in court.

The evidence against them is voluminous, with telephone call records, text messages, electronic records, physical evidence, hospital records and much more.

This is the third time that Marty Small will be exposed to a jury of the Atlantic County. His current record compared to the state of New Jersey is 2-0.

Both victories came towards the legendary criminal defense lawyer Ed Jacobs, who sparked the state of New Jersey in two earlier head-to-head encounters.

Jacobs represents Marty Small again.

The public prosecutor's office of Atlantic County previously published the following public statement about Marty and La'quetta Small:

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Marty Small, Sr., 50, and his wife La Quetta Small (47) from Atlantic City, NJ, were charged with endangering a child's well -being. Marty Small, Sr. was also charged with the third degree and severe attack by the third degree. It is believed that the defendants have used physically and emotionally misused their 15/16 year olds several times in December 2023 and January 2024. During an incident, Marty Small is said to have hit his daughter in his head several times on January 13, 2024, which leads to losing awareness.

Marty Small was charged separately by a second jury in the Atlantic County district.

Marty and La'quetta Small appeared before judge Delury today. You are sure that lectures are canceled and evidence is suppressed.

Judge Delury previously denied an identical attempt by Constance Days-Chapman to do the same.

The currently planned negotiation date is an interesting timing, since Marty Small runs for a re -election in June 2025 just a few weeks after the trial version.

If there is a small manner in May, it is finished. If Marty Small is acquitted, there will be a big boost for re -election.

If La'quetta Small is convicted, she will lose her position as a superintendent in public schools.

Ed Jacobs is the master of delay. It is certainly possible that the attempt can be postponed at a later date after the election.

A delay could work against small because it could be better for him to arrange his case in front of Elecriin Day.

Don Hurley Photo.

Don Hurley Photo.

Don Hurley Photo.

Don Hurley Photo.

Don Hurley Photo.

Don Hurley Photo.

Steve Young Photo.

Steve Young Photo.

Open letter to Marty Small.

It is time to carry out the necessary repairs in the Chelsea Little League stage.

Take a look at these photos that represent an obvious neglect: