
AT&T claims that the speed recording of fiber network networks is located

The massive bandwidth requirements that are driven by artificial intelligence (AI), user-generated content, augmented and virtual reality, cloud computing and streaming video means that network providers have to strengthen with more capable and faster networks.

In its response to these requirements, the US Comms Giant AT&T announced that an important technology milestone was achieved, which shows that its US-wide-software-fold network is ready for the future because it has completed the testing of a 1.6 terabit-pro-second individual wave wave length via its commercial long start network.

The attempt aimed to demonstrate the intention of AT&T, to lead the industry to the provision of speeds of the next generation in order to use the AI ​​and to help them change their business.

It took place via a 296 km route, which over spans Newark, New Jersey to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the existing long-distance fiber network from AT&T. In an industry that initially claims, the 1.6 TBIT / s wavelength, the four-time speed of the current wavelengths of 400 GBIT / s, took two 800 gigabit-Ethernet1-to-to-end circuits based on IEEE standards.

Mike Satterlee, AT & T Vice President of Network Infrastructure and Services, said: “Data traffic in the AT&T network continues to increase because consumers use more connected devices. We assume that network traffic growth will be doubled by 2028, and the technologies, which are proven in this study, will play a key role in the efforts of AT&T with increasing customer issue to stay up to date, to send data, to look at videos and to use streaming services. “

In addition to existing live customer traffic, the 1.6 TBPS wavelength of individual beams was transported to 100 Gbit / s and 400 GBIT / s wavelengths. The connection offered “a complete, uninterrupted data path” using a single light frequency over the entire fiber length between two points.

Open-Sourced White Box Switches acted as network equipment during the test version. The white boxes were designed with the Broadcom Jericho3 package processor and can provide up to 18 x 800 g network interface ports on a 2RU platform.

The Driveets Network Cloud-based solution is hardware-tagnostic and performs open APIs in the white boxes to carry out data and control functions, including routing at 800 g. The use of white boxes and the disaggregation of the hardware and software control controls the costs and facilitates faster innovation.

The two 800 GBE signals from the white box were multiplied in Wavelogic 6 extreme coherent visual transponder from the Tech provider Ciena with 1.6 TBPS, which is the first coherent optical solution for a 200 -G design and 3NM -Coherent -Sp -Sic and 1.6 -TBPS to 1.6 TBPS on a single one Carrier -Corier -Carrier is viewed.

The WL6E technology was developed to reduce the space and performance per BIT by 50% compared to current 800 g transponders. This study was also the first to demonstrate WL6E at 1.6 Tbit / s with standard-compliant 800 GBE customers.

In the offices in Newark and Philadelphia, 800g DR8 plugs by coherent were installed in the White Box Router and WL6E transponder to create a cross-offices between the package and optical technologies.

In the meantime, 800GBE client signals, which were provided by a Keysight ARESONE-M 800GE test set, the White Box with additional couples of 800g DR8 socket client look, to enable the end-to-end performance of the two 800 GBE services from Newark to Philadelphia.