
Attached on your side examination update: Springfield attorney license

Springfield, Mo. (Ky3) – A lawyer license of a Springfield is suspended. With effect on Tuesday, Cody Smith cannot practice the law.

In January, customers on their side said that they could not reach their lawyer Cody Smith. He is accused of taking her money and never submitting undisputed divorces. Customers told us that they had been waiting for months, even a year, and nothing was submitted. These customers submitted complaints to the state and something was done.

At the moment Smith has to stop.

Here are the court documents for Cody Smith's intermediate assignment.

It is said that it is likely that Smith is “guilty of professional misconduct and is a significant risk from irreparable damage to the public”. Smith has not yet submitted an answer.

The 20-page document explains twenty-three customer complaints. The boss disciplinary lawyer's office says that he “does not provide services as promised”. It continues that he did not return calls, texts or e -mails, and dissolutions were never submitted.

“That's exactly what we went through,” said Jerek Ellis.

We spoke to Ellis and two other customers for the first time in January, and everyone said the same thing: they paid hundreds of dollars for the representation and received nothing.

“I could get him under control in the few paints. As a result, I feel so validated that everyone has the same problem with him, ”said Ellis.

On her side, Smith sent an email to request an interview in front of the camera for this story. Smith replied and asked Ashley Reynolds not to bother his family and customers.

Ky3 has never contacted one of his customers, except those that we interviewed who sent us by e -mail. Reynolds has sent an e -mail for every story that we have made with him to ensure that he has the opportunity to answer. Smith never replied to our first story, but later said that he would sue Reynolds for defamation.

Ellis has hired another lawyer since then and his divorce is final. He sued Smith in Small Claims Court and has a hearing next month.

“Above all, we only hope to get our money back,” said Ellis.

According to court files, this suspension means that it has a long “tasks” list that includes withdrawal from pending cases, the reimbursement of customers and the non -recording of new customers.

Here, too, Smith is currently suspended, but not excluded. This is an outstanding matter and he has not submitted an answer to his discipline case. He can fight to change it.

We will continue to follow this story.

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