
Balls Fried Chick-N tips opening date for Lake Charles Location!

Hey Southwest Louisiana! I just scroll through Facebook and looked what I found. That has the best news that I heard all year round! Owner Reggie and Angela Brown-Ball Recently, this exciting message shared on Facebook:

Anyone who always asked me when the restaurant was opened … my answer was always … “in God's time”.
Well, it finally happens and we will soon share the date with our great community !!

When I saw that, I almost fell from my chair! I will go one step further and say that everyone in Lake Charles has waited without fear of contradiction that the doors of the family business open. There is nothing in the entire area that can compare with the fried chick nnn from ball.

Almost every inhabitant in SWLA would agree. These birds beat differently! One reason, of course, is that you use the spice of your own original ball. If you don't come from the area, just let me inform me that you didn't have a chicken until you had Ball's Fried Chick-N.

The ball family was on a long way to recovery after the restaurant was almost destroyed by the hurricane Laura. Angela Ball said that they had worked hard to reopen their famous Lake Charles restaurant. Judging by her last Facebook post is the time nearby.

“We have some water damage, so we have to replace the ceiling tiles, insulation, the lighting, the canals and air conditioning.

Fortunately, the reconstruction chapter for the iconic family chick-n-joint is over and the future looks bright! I know that I am not alone when I say that the community is ready for a few fried chicks for a good old ball! In the meantime, after the “now open” sign, we will pay attention to the door!