
Barn a total loss after the fire on Wednesday in rural Paynesville, Minnesota – West Central Tribune

Paynesville – A barn in the Northern Meeker County was declared a total loss after a fire on Wednesday evening. According to a press release from the Sheriff office, no one was injured due to the fire.

The fire was reported on Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. after a representative on patrol on the Minnesota Highway 4 in the 55000 block of the 395th Street in Union Grove Township, southeast of Paynesville, discovered a structural fire.

When arriving on the property, the deputy saw a barn completely on fire. The barn was not occupied at the time of the fire, according to the Sheriff office of the Meeker County. The property belongs to Sheri and Kent Peterson.

MEPs from Meeker County, the fire brigade of Paynesville, the fire brigade of Eden Valley and Allina Ambulance responded to the fire.

The barn was considered a complete loss. According to the press release, it is assumed that an electric heat lamp in the barn could have been the cause of the fire.

Dale Morin is a reporter at West Central Tribune. He covers public security and sets up news.

Dale can be reached at or by phone 320-214-4368.