
Baseball dropped in the Florida State in the middle of the week

Tallahassee, Fla. – Nordflorida could not overcome an early deficit and fall on Tuesday by Dick Wowser Stadium with 10: 1 in Florida State.

Florida State (12-0) first hit at the end of the first inner. Gage Harrelson broke a Leadoff double for the FSU. Alex Lodise reached an Infield Single and Max Williams to load the bases. Cal Fisher Harrelson brought home with a victim fly with a full bas. With the runners on first and third place, Jaxson West drove in a groundout in Lodise to bring the seminols 2-0.

Nordflorida (7-6) replied in the second. Santiago Ordonez The inning begins. Three battery later, Mitchell Collins Riss an RBI double that made it 2-1.

The seminols stayed hot in the second time. With an out, Myles Bailey (2) hit a solo homerun. Bj Gibson followed with a walk and he stole the second. With a runner in the classification position, Harrelson reached an infield single. The throw for the first time was outside the target and Gibson made it possible to score a goal.

Gibson led 4: 1 and doubled to start the fourth inning for the state of Florida. He rose to third place on a wild playing field and met a sack fly from Lodise.

The FSU did not slower. Hunter Carns went with two outs in the fifth. Bailey (3) beat his second Homerun of the game, which gave the Seminols a 7-1 advantage, with a runner at first glance.

Lodise broke a leadoff double for Florida State. Williams followed with an RBI single to bring the eighth run of the night home for the noles.

Florida State added two more runs in eighth place. Carter McCulley went to start the inn. Nathan Cmeyla tore a double. Drew Faurot McCulley took home with the runners in second and third place. After a flyout, Cmeyla moved to third place on a wild field and hit a mistake.

Record jugs
Profit: Evan Chrest (2-0)
Loss: Clay Hendry (2-1)

Line values

FSU | 10 r, 13 h, 0 E, 11 praise

Unit | 1 r, 4 h, 3 e, 4 praise

Statistical leaders

State Florida
Myles Bailey | 2-4, 2 hours, 3 RBI, 2 R
Alex Lodise | 2-3, 2b, RBI, 2 R, BB
Evan Chrest | 6.0 IP, W, 4 H, 1 R, 3 K


Mitchell Collins | 1-2, 2b, RBI, BB

Aaron Potter | 2.0 IP, 0 R, 0 H, 3 K

Next on
North Florida returns to the Harmon Stadium on March 7, so as not to grasp her last season series of the season against Alabama. The first pitch on Friday is planned for 6:30 p.m. on Saturday at 3 p.m., and the weekend on Sunday at 1 p.m. Nordflorida will not broadcast the games, but updates are carried out via live statistics and on X/Twitter at @osPreybsb and Instagram at @ospreysb.