
BBB offers tips on navigating home shows and exposes this winter season

While winter is cold, homeowners are eagerly awaiting the arrival of popular house shows and home pos in local congress centers.

These events show the latest trends in improving and redesigning at home and offer a wealth of information and inspiration. Proper preparation in front of the participant can save you time and anger, says Better Business Bureau.

If you are planning a home project, it is an excellent way to explore new products and functions to improve your home, inside and outside. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) ​​offers tips that help you ensure the best offers and avoid possible pitfalls. There are also special concerns that you are aware of.

“With hundreds of providers and contractors who offer their services and products in a comfortable place, home shows offer an excellent opportunity for shopping,” said Steve J. Bernas, President and CEO of BBB. “However, it is important to be careful in front of inferior providers and high -pressure sales tactics. With homework you can identify reputable providers and avoid less reliable. “

Since home shows with so many providers and products can be overwhelming, you have a plan before you go. Prioritize the type of provider you want to visit.

“First, research. Visit before making purchases to avoid you persuaded a impulse purchase, ”said Bernas.

These events can be overcrowded during the main traffic times, and it can be more difficult to get the answers to all your questions. Plan early. There are several things to do to get a lot.

Tips before signing an agreement

Research and collect information. Find for the business profile of a contractor on for free information about your complaint history, read the checked customer reviews and check whether it is a BBB accredited company. Also search online for the name of the company together with “complaint”, “evaluation” or “fraud” to see what experiences other people have had with the company.

Ask for references. Ask the contractor about a list of the latest local references with which you can turn. Ask the references to services, your overall experience with the contractor and the quality of the work. If possible, inspect the work of the contractor himself.

Contact at least three companies. Buy around and get several quotes. Make sure that all commandments look at the same criteria. Remember that the lowest bid may not necessarily be the best bid.

Get yourself in writing. Always receive estimates and Never let a work start without written and signed contract. Don't be put under pressure to sign an agreement before you are ready and make sure that you read and understand everything before signing. The contract should contain contact information, start and final data, a detailed description of the work to be done, material costs, payment agreements and guarantee information. Never sign an incomplete or partially empty contract. Illinois law requires a written contract for projects over 1,000 US dollars.

Check licenses and insurance. Make sure that the company you work with has the necessary licenses and insurance.

Confirm building permits. Your contractor must have the right permits before starting your project. You usually get the permits, but you will probably pay for you. That should be detailed in your contract.

Inquire about a lien. A waiver of a lien is an explanation of her contractor, which says that all suppliers and subcontractors have been paid for their work.

Agree a payment plan. Never pay the total amount in advance. Season your payments so that your final payment is only due when the work is completed and you inspect you thoroughly. Do not pay a cash; Make sure that your check is written to a company, not a person or even better a credit card. Have a account and make sure that problems are addressed before the final payment.

Get a receipt. Request a receipt that is marked with “fully paid” when the order has been completed and your final payment.

Keep your contract. Keep your contract as a future reference or if you have any questions after completing the work.

If you have come across a fraud, report it to the BBB fraud tracker.