
Bears Post two season high event results in Stanford

Catharyn Hayne / KLC Photos

Theodor Roald Gadderud led Cal at four events in one of the best excursions in the bears.

Cal ends the regular season with its second best team points

Stanford – The California men's gymnastics ended its regular season on Saturday with a last meeting in No. 2 Stanford and shared the ground for the fifth time this year with the cardinal. The golden bears finished only 0.100 from their season best team score for a very solid excursion when Stanford 324,350-313,200 came to the top.

Cal started the evening with Pommel Horse with Leadoff Man Tucker Yasunaga Publish a best of 12,550 and anchor in the season Aidan Li A share of the title with a score of 13,750, connected to Stanford's Taylor Burkhart. The bears then moved to the ground, their outstanding event of the meeting: Carter Kim Set a huge season high of 13,600 to hold the rotation Theodor Roald Gadderud achieved a suitable score that best suits his own season. Cals team score of 54,000 was the best of the year and outdated Stanford at the event for 1.650 points.

Roald Gadderud also led the bears on Vault, where he scored a goal of 13,850 and on rings with his 13,450. Two bears – Troy Nuesca And Tomo Kawada – put their processes on the latter event, whereby Nuesca also gave his event debut and Kawada published an enormous rescue to earn the green flag of the judge. Cal's high bar rotation followed with a best season of 50.850 thanks to the best of the season of a best of the season of 50.850 Landon Wu (12,700), Tyler Shimizu (12,800) and Carter Kim (12,900) and sticks of the last two. The bears ended in parallel bars, with Yasunaga releasing the last stick of the night and Roald Gadderud achieved another team high score-uninen fourth von 13,650.

In Stanford – March 15, 2025
Stanford 324,350
Cal 313,200

Pommel Horse – Stanford 52,250, Cal 51,750
Tucker Yasunaga 12,550
Harry Kim 12.100
Tyler Shimizu 13,350
Aidan Li 13,750 (bound – winner)

Floor exercise – Cal 54,000, Stanford 52,350
Carter Kim 13,600
Khalen Curry 13,350
Theodor Roald Gadderud 13,600
Matteo Bardana 13,450

Surger – Stanford 56,800, Cal 54,250
Sam circione 13,550
Carter Kim 13,200
Khalen Curry 13,650
Theodor Roald Gadderud 13,850

Still rings – Stanford 55,250, Cal 51,200
Troy Nuesca 12,300
Carter Kim 12,650
Theodor Roald Gadderud 13,450
Tomo Kawada 12,800

Horizontal bar – Stanford 53,300, Cal 50.850
Tucker Yasunaga 12,450
Landon Wu 12,700
Tyler Shimizu 12,800
Carter Kim 12,900

Parallel bars – Stanford 54,400, Cal 51,150
Troy Nuesca 11,900
Tucker Yasunaga 12,750
Tyler Shimizu 12,850
Theodor Roald Gadderud 13,650

Next on
Trigg Dudley will compete at the British championships on March 22, while the bears will appear on April 5 as a team at the MPSF championships in the USAF Academy, Colo.

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