
Belleville Fire Dept. reacts to twice the number of calls compared to the previous year

Village of Belleville, Wisconsin (WMTV) – The Belleville fire brigade replied to 57 calls this year, which exceeds the call volume at this time last year with 32 calls.

Belleville Fire Captain Jake Myrland said that the dry weather conditions could be partly to blame.

“Last year we had a total of 25 calls at this time, so that we so far increased by 128% in our call volume,” he said. “The weather last year was a factor for us, it increased our call volume and increased the intensity of some of the brush fire or controlled burns that have come out of control.”

This 57th call this year came in early Sunday morning.

“It was shortly after one in the morning that I was in a dead sleep, my phone goes out,” said the firefighter hunter Burghy, who was connected to the fire brigade about 4 months ago.

Burghy and more than 15 other firefighters reacted to the fireplace of Sunday.

“At this point, flames were 15 to 20 feet in the air, there was a large tree that was also on fire, mature ripen, pallets, a spinner.”

In this case, Myrland said that the weather had an impact.

“The intensity of these fires and how quickly they move has not only increased the drier conditions, but also the wind speeds,” he said.

He also mentioned that they are a volunteer fire brigade, so Community members give their time to react to this increase in call volume.

“Full -time fire brigades are very expensive,” said Myrand. “Most small communities in this state and in this area could financially support a full-time fire brigade, so that they can rely on volunteers to close this gap.”

Burghy said that calls for new volunteers like him are a chance.

“I try to make as many calls as possible to learn as much as possible.”

He said that calls are prepared for what will come at the beginning of the year if the increase in calls is continued.

“This year will be more and I know that I and any other type are ready to do it,” said Burghy.

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