
Best Buy Q4 entertainment turnover drops by 11%, which is driven by the video game decline

The section DVD/Blu-ray of a Best Buy in Costa Mesa, California, on January 10, 2024.

Erik Gruenwedel

Best Buy March 4 reported a decline in the fourth quarter of 10.9% (at the end of February) in the fourth quarter compared to an increase in the previous year's period by 8.4% in the same business.

The entertainment segment, which includes products such as DVD and Blu-ray disc films (which will not be sold by the end of 2024), video game hardware and software, books, music CDs and computer software, fell $ 1.14 billion from $ 1.34 billion in the previous year.

The main drivers included a decline in the sale of video game hardware consoles and the simultaneous lack of new release titles as well as the previously announced decision to end the sale of packaged media.

From Merchandising perspective, the largest drivers of the comparable increase in sales on a weighted basis were computers, tablets and services. These drivers were partially compensated for by declines in the categories of devices, home theater and games.

The domestic online turnover of $ 5.02 billion rose from $ 4.9 billion by 2.6% on a comparable basis, and as a percentage of total domestic turnover, online sales was 39.5% compared to 38% in the previous year.

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