
Blanchester Girl Scout Troops breaks the record for the largest collection of mealed cookies

Blanchester, Oh -Blanchester Girls Scout Troop #45988 closed her troop biscuit season with 574 boxes with donated cookies on veterans.

“This is the largest collection for the military/veteran since the beginning of this project in 2014,” remarked Ida Miller

Miller added that the troop could do this due to the generous donation of companies, organizations and residents. You would like to thank the following:

  • Wico Products Inc by Blanchester,
  • Bush Auto Place in Wilmington,
  • Buscam Ford in Wilmington,
  • Blanchester Eagles,
  • Blanchester auxiliary,
  • Brown's funeral home from Wilmington and
  • Wilmington Precision Machine from Wilmington.

Miler noted that they wanted to give Pamela Pogue from Martinsville a big thank you who contributed to securing the donations with their leader.

In February, the girls delivered 360 cooking boxes in the Chillicothe Veterans Hospital with Valentine's Day maps of donated copies in the uptown printing in Wilmington. On March 14, the girls delivered 201 boxes to the Georgetown Veterans Nursing Home.

(Said photo) from left to right: Ida Miller (leader), Veteran Nancy, Ryley Cornett, Dakota King Back Row: Avaylia Hollingsworth, Josie Fuediger and Julia Fuediger

“In June 2026, the older girls planned and saved them for three years to explore the Grand Canyon via Route 66,” said Milner.

Last year her leader took part in a competition to try to win a trip for her and finally put the top 126 out of 70,000 participants.

“The group continues to work hard and saves this wonderful experience,” she added, noting that the younger girls are looking forward to experiencing a Cincinnati zoo trip this summer.

Further news from Morrow