
Brainerd Lakes Chamber member organizes workshop to unlock the power of the video “.

The Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce organizes monthly workshops for the Blue Ox Success series for its members to learn the community how to expand their shops. This month, the workshop was carried out for the first time by a member of the chamber for the first time.

“We have already done the successful series, but this is now our member to members. We want our members to help and inform other members about topics that people really want to learn more about.”

The Blue Ox Success series brings small business owners from the entire Brainerd Lakes area to exchange tips and tricks for everything from marketing to sales. The topic on Tuesday was “Entring the Power of Video” and was hosted by Dave Timm, who owns the local video production company.

“Today we had a great session about how video can basically be a supportive part of a company or a company and really only share some of the lessons I learned not only in content and to understand how A kind of interweaving in a successful business plan to make the more successful tool for people who want to learn more about it, ”said Timm.

Timm says that the Blue Ox Success series and other events carried out by the chamber are invaluable resources for local companies.

“To have all of these resources and to be able to network the network – one of the best advantages for me is to meet other business owners who may have a similar struggle with the search for an accountant or have found out how to achieve a different customer type “, He” added. “All ships rise in the flood and we can all come together and help everyone get up with this flood. It just makes our community better. “

“To be able to meet such chamber events as this and to meet other business owners, because the problem is that people do not recognize the struggle associated with a small company, and everyone thinks they can do it , until you get involved. And then it is like this: “Whoa, there is much more than just,” said Nate Hill, member of the Brainerd Lakes Chamber. “It was great. The chamber was super helpful and everything.

The next event of the Blue Ox Success Series will take place on March 25th and revolves around the purchase and sale of a company.