
Brevard MP find Boa Connector during illegal dumping examination

A man who was accused of throwing half a ton of rubble in Sykes Creek had a Slithhery Sidekick – a Boa Constrictor Riding Shotgun.

On Thursday, the deputies of the Sheriff office (BCSO) Brevard County replied to a complaint that a man who was later identified as Daniel Dinovi illegally dismissed court waste in Sykes Creek on Merritt Island.

The arrival of Apon, Dinovi, told the MPs that the garden waste recently came from a scenic task, and he estimated that the debris was 1,000 pounds.

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After the MPs Dinovi had transported to prison for illegal dumping, the investigations took a turn.

The MPs took an inventory of the car that had a bumper sticker from “Snakes N 'Stuff”, and indeed found snakes n' things.

According to BCSO, there was a youthful Rainbow Boa Constrictor freestrot shot on the passenger seat of the truck.

A veterinary unit arrived and took custody for the snake and brevard County Road and Bridge with a dump truck to remove the rubble from the dam, according to the Facebook post from BCSO.

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