
BRG weighs that Paul London is losing Paul London at MLW Superfight 6.

BRG is not too satisfied with losing his honey trap match against Paul London at MLW Superfight 6, and now wants to ban honey from the USA. London defeated BRG at the show on February 8 by pushing his opponent into a pool filled with honey, whereupon London and Paul Walter Hauser BRG feathered. BRG spoke to Jeremy Lambert von Fightful and SP3 in weeds about the loss, and they can see highlights below:

When the game is lost: “I still find feathers in some of my sound equipment and many of my other dresses in general, but since Superfight 6 and the Honey Trap match the bikes are shot and new plans are available to ensure that it does not happen again, and I'm never relocated again.”

What kind of honey was used: “It was disgusting, I can tell you that.”

To see how honey is prohibited on request: “High class, but I personally have no favor against honey. I would rather never see it again and I would like to have it completely banned from the United States. I have PTBs after this game. I would rather not freak out every time I see treasure. I have already said to the people: “I have no honey in your household, otherwise I'll throw it out immediately.” Just throw it out of the window. “