
Bully Ray on potential cody rhodes against rock against John Cena Match for Wrestlemania 41

Bully Ray sees the potential that Cody Rhodes defend the undisputed championship of the WWE against rock and John Cena near Wrestlemania 41. The skirt returned to the WWE television in Smackdown and started an apparent action with Rhodes, while CENA competes in the WWE elimination next weekend. Bully spoke about the potential that the three will share the ring on Busted Open Radio in April in April, and you can see highlights below, with the kind approval of Wrestling Inc:
On the potential wrestlemania match of the skirt: “In my opinion there is only one place for him that makes sense in this whole story, and that's Cody Rhodes … Cena wins. Cena/Cody at Wrestlemania. Rock closes again and goes: “Do you remember the time when you called me to read promos from my wrist? Now your receipt is. I am the “boss”. I'm in there, you're out. 'You will hate the rock for it. So they want Cody to win even more. “

About how the Match Rhodes could transmit: “Well, if you really want to think about Cody, Cody Rhodes is beating John Cena and the skirt in Wrestlemania. I only speak of a triple threat game. I refer to that. A triple threat game. Rock-Cena, that's there. There is history with rock and cena. There is promo history. There is Match History. Now Cody will be in the ring with John Cena and the rock? Cody is increased by me just to say the words. “