
Burrell 5th grader to get a 15-minute break as part of the new middle school

A focus group with which suggestions for a newly configured Charles A. Huston Middle School landed on a schedule next year says that administrators prioritize the academic period and maintain integrity for each class level.

The Middle School Task Force – a group of parents and teachers who have met in the past few months to check schedules and plans if an additional class level comes to school next year, has completed the schedule this week.

With Stewart Elementary Closing, students visit the fourth grade to Bon Air Elementary and the fifth graders will be sent to Huston next year.

Huston's schedule includes a 15-minute “free play” or a break for fifth grade students and has science and social sciences every day for students of the sixth, seventh and eighth grade.

It also determines the “BUC time”, which would be similar to an activity period or a time when clubs could meet. Sixth to eighth classes shared this time, which was a priority of the Task Force, said construction coach Travis Welch.

What said he also met with teachers to get their thoughts about the proposal.

“The teachers believe that they have the most important academic time,” he said of the final schedule.

The band and choir are a planned course for students who take.

Each class has its own 30-minute lunch break, with lunch in the fifth grade at 10:50 a.m., sixth at 11:20 p.m., seventh at 12:01 p.m. and eight at 12:43 p.m.

The Task Force from Bon Air will be expected to complete the schedule of its building on Tuesday. After completing the Task Force meeting, Superintendent Shannon Wagner said that the administrators will check the buses in Bon Air and Logistik about the shift of things from Stewart and for Bon Air and Huston.

Wagner said the Task Forces will present their results to the board at a meeting on March 11.

“The board is not based on a schedule or (for the construction of layout),” said Wagner. “Since this is such a big change, it is about informing them about what the trip was and what the final conclusions are,” said Wagner.

Wagner believes that the process has become better than the district of 2011 rekoned its buildings.

“This path was more effective,” she said. “We brought stakeholders on the table and gave everyone a voice in a smaller environment.”

Kellen Stepler is a triple reporter who covers the Allegheny Valley and Burrell School Districts and the surrounding areas. He kicked the trib in April 2023. It can be reached at