
Can Honggogers cut nails on buses? Viral video savings warning

Hong Kong Bus Passengers were asked to determine their nails on board after a viral video triggered anger with a commuter.

Lai Si-Chung, director of the KMB branch of the general companies of Motor Transport Workers, said on Sunday that passengers who were not cooperative could also be forced from buses.

The union representative said commuters should also avoid ending his make-up or performing similar activities, even in cases where companies had not expressly prohibited personal care.

“These are personal actions, they should be carried out at home before going out. When you get into the bus, you should put on the seat belt and work with safety instructions, ”said Lai.

“You shouldn't do anything unconventional that can cause injuries or influence other passengers.”

A recently circulating social media post complained the warlike mockery of a male bus driver after he had been asked to end his nails on board a bus, whereby the interacted behavior on public transport led back into the spotlight.