
Can this spiky green fruit help combat cancer? What should know about the trend superfood

Saurop or GraviolaA little -known fruit with creamy white meat gains widespread popularity in wellness circles due to its many powerful advantages for health – from preventing bacterial infections, even supposedly treating a variety of cancer. The tropical fruit has long been a staple in traditional medicine in Central and South America, which is known for their alleged antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and even anti-cancer properties. But are all these alleged advantages of the fruits supported by science?
Let us first understand the nutritional factor. The fruits despite their rough and hard appearance have a brilliant taste and many compare them with strawberry and banana. A cup of Saureop fruits has 148 calories, 7.42 g fiber, 37.8 g of carbohydrates and 30.5 g sugar. As a low glycemic index, it is great for people with diabetes. The fruit is plentiful in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium as well as antioxidants and potassium.
In central and southern America, Soursop is in traditional medicine for the treatment of diabetes, the treatment of infections and even types of cancer. The Soursop fruits or leaves were also used to treat gastric diseases, fever, parasitic infections, high blood pressure and rheumatism. Many claims say that Soursop tea or extract can slow the spread of cancer, but there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim. Only limited, labor -based research has pointed out the ability of the fruit to combat cancer, but the same has not been examined in humans.

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Is Soursop effective when killing cancer cells? What research says

A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry showed that the Soursop compounds could destroy breast cancer cells and were even more effective than chemotherapy. A study published in scientific report in 2016 showed that Soursop took part against prostate cancer cells against cancer activities. However, the study was carried out on mice and not on humans. A 2024 checking paper showed that Soursop extracts in the fight against cancer are promising, with connections that kill cancer cells and at the same time save healthy accommodations. In the overview, anti -inflammatory advantages were also emphasized, which indicates that the longstanding use of sour seop in traditional medicine has a scientific basis.
Scientists find that certain bioactive compounds such as acetogenine, alkaloids, flavonoids and vitamins were effectively determined in the fruits when killing cancer cells. These acetogenine were also associated not only with the blocking of cancer growth, but also of cancer prevention. An important acetogenin, Annonacin, was also associated with Parkinson's and Neurodegenerative diseases.

Can Soursop increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders?

A study published in the Moleküle magazine in 2022 warned that high doses of acetogenins found in Soursop could be neurotoxic and could contribute to neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the alkaloids of the fruit can also affect nerve cells, especially with longer or excessive consumption. The researchers emphasized the need for further studies and clinical studies to fully understand the security and medical potential of Soursop.

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Advantages of Soursop

High antioxidants

The sweet and delicious fruits can also provide a wealth of antioxidants in your body that are potentially fought for illness. A study published in Food Function showed that Sureop can protect against damage caused by free radicals.

Fight combat infections

Soursop can combat many types of bacteria, including those that cause gingivitis, tooth decay and yeast infections. A study shows its effectiveness in the prevention of cholera and staphylococcal infections.

Diabetes control

As a low GI fruit, Soursop in people with diabetes can manage blood sugar levels in humans. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows how the feeding of acid extract to diabetic rats reduced blood sugar levels by up to 75%.

How to add your nutrition to Soursop

Eat it fresh: Screw the cream white meat out and enjoy it as it is and remove the seeds.
Fit into smoothies: Add columns -smoothies for a tropical turn with a thrust of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Brew Soursop Tea: Use the leaves to make a soothing herbal tea, a traditional means in many cultures.
Make Soursop juice: Mix the pulp with water, strain and enjoy a refreshing drink.
Add to desserts: Use Sorsop pulp in Sorbets, ice cream or fruit salads for a sweet and spicy taste.
(Image with kind permission: iStock)

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