
Candidate interviews: Northfield Village Board (4 for 3 seats) (audio)

The Northfield Village Board of Trustees will soon have at least two new trustees, since only one incumbent for three available places in the race.

Matthew Galin, a legal agent and lawyer, is looking for his second term on the board, while Edwin Elfmann, Andrew Juedes and Pamela Papadatos come to him on the ballot and are looking for their first term.

Galin, Elfmann and Juedes are approved by the Northfield Caucus. Papadatos is the owner of Metamorphosis Spa, who led in motion against the roundabout for Happ Road.

Click here to display profiles of the candidates submitted to The data record.

Each candidate was interviewed by The data record Editor -in -chief Joe Coughlin and her answers were recorded and are available below. Questions are listed in the order that was asked to do, and the candidates are listed in the order in which they appear on the ballot. You can use the following navigation tools to jump on certain questions. You can listen to the audio recordings grouped by the candidates under these links: Pamela Papadatos | Matthew Galin | Andrew Juedes | Edwin Elfmann.

Jump to: Opening statements | Roundabout/Happ Road | Economic vitality | Police authority | Government Transparency/Communication | Statement

Opening statements

The roundabout is out. So what should the priorities be improvements along the Happ Road?

The economic vitality of Northfield and what are one or two strategies that could give him a boost?

The police authority recently had a lack of staff, leadership sales and legal problems. What is the current state of the department and where is there room for improvements?

The Village Board was criticized last year for its communication. Describe effective transparency and communication by the government.

Final instructions

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