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Check back for our WWE SmackDown results from WWE SmackDown tonight.

Where is WWE SmackDown Tonight? WWE SmackDown emanates live from the Scotia Bank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is the final stop for before the Elimination Chamber takes place on March 1.

What Time is WWE SmackDown Tonight?: SmackDown airs weekly at 8PM on USA Network.

WWE SmackDown Results from WWE SmackDown Tonight

After opening up with a reminder of the Rock’s words to Cody Rhodes last week, Rhodes was greeted with a preview of some of those doors Rock promised to open for him. Rhodes entered the building and was directed to his private locker room as we kicked off SmackDown backstage. This should develop throughout the night.

Tiffy and Trishy Time

Back in the ring, WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus got us started as Stratus was given a hometown welcome while rocking the custom Toronto Maple Leafs jersey. A “thank you, Trish” chant broke out as the she acknowledged the fans and pointed out Lillian Garcia’s introduction of her. Stratus questioned what year it was given the Rock was back and Garcia was back and Stratus herself is wrestling tomorrow. There’s no better place, she said, than her hometown of Toronto. Stratus pointed out a girl in the audience and talked about the generational aspect of wrestling and how that girl’s dad probably had a poster of her on his wall and now his daughter is seeing her wrestle. That got a nice pop. Elimination Chamber will be the first time Stratus’ kids see her wrestle live and it’s clear that means something to her as she celebrates her 25th Anniversary. Stratus noted her excitement to be teaming up with Tiffany Stratton. Stratus said Stratton has been taking the world by storm and gave her a great introduction as Stratton, also in a custom Maple Leafs jersey, made her way to the ring. After telling the crowd its Tiffy Time and Trishy Time, two lucky fans got the jerseys off the ladies’ backs as they tossed them into the crowd before Chelsea Green, in full USA/Canada inspired gear, and her mountie, Piper Niven, made their way to the ring.

Green said she deserves the air time as the crowd chanted “Chelsea.” Yep, they know who she is. Green called out Austin Matthews and said she was the best thing to step foot in the Scotia Bank Arena but unlike the Maple Leaf, she actually wins. Crowd seemed to agree with that one. Green says the minute she left the dump of Toronto, everything became better for her. Now, she’s honored to represent the people of America because they are better. Crowd didn’t like that. Stratton and Green had some words before Stratton called out Green for a match but Green deflected saying she has plans. She tried to bail but a referee made their way down to the ring and it looks like we now know Green’s “mystery” opponent. It’s none other than the champ!

Tiffany Stratton vs Chelsea Green

It’s champ vs champ as Stratton vs Green is already underway as the show comes back from commercial break. Both women looking to feel the other out and looking for an early advantage. Stratton with the rights and clotheslines to take out Green. It’s Tiffy Time as Stratton takes down Green in the corner and gets a near fall. Stratton with Green up but no, Green counters into a roll up. Green looking for teh Unprettier but no, Stratton reverses and huge stomp to Green. Niven pulls Green out before Stratton gets to the top. Stratus getting involved. Stratton up and takes out Niven and Green. As Stratton goes back to the top, Nia Jax and Candice LeRae arrive on scene to attack Stratus and then Stratton. This one is over as it’s a DQ win for Stratton.

But the action is still heated as Jax and LeRae continue laying the boots to their challengers for the chamber. Stratus fighting back and double team to take out Jax and LeRae. Stratton back up to the ropes but Jax pulls her partner out of harm’s way. This one’s not over folks. Tomorrow’s match between these ladies should be good.

Nick Aldis reviews the #1 contendership status of the United States Championship. Tonight, LA Knight will face Santos Escobar, Andrade will face Solo Sikoa, and Braun Strowman will take on Carmelo Hayes.

Sikoa meets up the New Bloodline backstage and Jacob Fatu says last week was an accident. Sikoa says his family, their family needs to make a statement and it starts with taking the United States Championship and that’s why he wants Fatu to do it. He wants Fatu to win the title and bring it back to the family. Sikoa says everything he is doing is to show Fatu how much he loves him. Fatu walks away frsutrated as Sikoa and Tama Tonga exchange a glare. If you think this all sounds familiar, it’s because it does. Sikoa is Reigns-lite right now, without all the success. Should be interesting to see where the New Bloodline is going and if we are headed for Sikoa vs Fatu at WrestleMania 41.

Before the match, another clip from WWE LFG to take us back from commercial. They are really hyping the new show. Also backstage, we get another look at Rhodes’ rewards from the Rock – a beautiful food spread with shrimps according to R Truth, who somehow ended up in the Rock’s locker room. Truth reminded Rhodes the Rock is the “Soulman.” Well, his dad was, but Truth be truthin’ as always. Rhodes encouraged Truth to enjoy himself and the spread as Truth joked about not being “shellfish.” Where R Truth goes, comedy gold follows.

United States Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament – Andrade vs Jacob Fatu

Despite being unprepared to be in this match, Fatu entered with the same energy as he always does. If looks could kil…Fatu and Andrade locked up as the crowd was largely behind Fatu. Fatu takes out Andrade but Andrade with the chops as both guys are looking for early momentum. Andrade with the crossbody and then smart move with the ropes to get Fatu out of the ring. Huge hurricanrana to take out Fatu on the outside. Back to the top rope with a huge moonsault to take out Fatu but Andrade also thrown into the barricade. Fatu slams Andrade face-first into the commentary desk and dumps him back in the ring. Huge rights from Fatu. But Andrade isn’t quitting and he manages to connect with a moonsault and gets a near fall on Fatu. Another near fall on a roll-up attempt but Fatu counters into a senton. It’s all Fatu at this point as he hits some huge hip attacks and then a massive flatliner. Time for signature Fatu as he hits the jump-up moonstault from the top to claim the victory. It never ceases to amaze how a man of his size also possesses his speed and athleticism. That moonsault is a thing of beauty.

A recap of last week where the Street Profits took out half the tag team division. Then a clip showed of them not stopping until they get the tag team championship match they deserve. Santos Escobar and Los Garzas rolled up demanding an apology for being falsely accused and promised to beat the apology out of the profits. So tonight, its Street Profits vs Los Garzas with implications on the tag team title picture.

Before the match can get underway, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa jump the profits before Los Garzas gets involved. Then Pretty Deadly to go after the profits. It’s chaos as everyone is staking their claim. DIY taking out everybody before Motor City Machine Guns arrive to take out DIY. MCMG and the Street Profits the last two standing but no, here come Los Garzas, Pretty Deadly, and DIY back in the fray. Everyone brawling and Los Garzas with a huge flight to take out teams and security. All of these teams are just brawling all over, both inside and outside of the ring. Fans chanting “Let them fight” as security tries to get some semblance of control. We then cut to Drew McIntyre walking backstage. Some have complained about WWE’s lackluster tag scene of late. Tonight won’t do much to quell those complaints but it should serve as a reminder that the talent in this division isn’t the problem, its the booking.

Back to McIntyre. He runs into Rhodes and they chat about their journeys. McIntyre says he won’t tell Rhodes what to do and what he needs to do for his family. McIntyre says he wonders what the Rock will do when Rhodes says yes but Rock finds out he already sold his soul years ago. Very interesting, especially with recent rumblings that McIntyre could be in line for a huge result on Saturday.

Five Men and a Chamber

Speaking of McIntyre, he walks through the crowd to have production cut off a recap of John Cena entering the Elimination Chamber. McIntyre says you die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the hypocrite. McIntyre says after the rumble when Cena used his stroke to put himself into the chamber, he said everyone has seven weeks to say whatever they want about him. McIntyre says no one said anything about him so he’s here to do just that. Pipebomb style, McIntyre sits on the commentary desk to say he can’t help but wonder what 2010 Cena would say about current Cena. He said he’d probably tear himself apart for leaving for Hollywood and rip apart his bald spot that deserves its own area code. Ouch. McIntyre says he used to be politically scared of Cena as a kid but he’s not a scared kid anymore. He’s the monster that people like Cena created and at the chamber he’s going to bury him. McIntyre reminds how he was screwed over and last time he was in Canada, people cheered the “Toronto Screwjob…”

Now it was McIntyre’s turn to be cut off as Damian Priest arrived. Priest told McIntyre to stop complaining and crying. He said the fans see through his delusional thoughts to which McIntyre claims all he;s done is tell the truth. Priest says the real truth is McIntyre is upset about his position in the company because he had a great year. Yeah, and got screwed over and over again, McIntyre reminded. Priest said McIntyre won the world title but his obsession with CM Punk has cost him. McIntyre claims not to have an obsession as Priest points out what he was doing. McIntyre says he drops the pipebombs now as the crowd chants for Punk.  Priest says last time they were in that building, he dropped him and he would do it again tonight. McIntyre seems ready to get in the ring with Priest but here’s a surprise, Seth Rollins has arrived on SmackDown!

The crowd sings Rollins to the ring and he’s soaking it all in. Rollins says its the three amigos back together again at the scene of the crime so he had to come out and help them reminisce about what happened at Money in the Bank. He has very specific memories about that night. If it weren’t for questionable officiating, Punk, and McIntyre’s horrible cash-in, the worst of all-time, that he would have beaten Priest for the title. But he’s not here to talk about the past, he’s here to talk about the future. He says this isn’t the same Rollins who hobbled into ‘Mania last year. He feels as good as he looks and that means no one else stands a chance tomorrow. More “Punk” chants as the man himself makes his way to the ring. Ooo Toronto, you lucked out tonight.

Punk has the crowd in his hands as they sing him to the ring as well. Punk takes in the crowd chanting his name as he gets down to business. He starts with Rollins saying if he feels as good as he looks, he looks like an oven mitt. He cooked him and will cook him again. Punk said he’s got no issue with Priest but if the door opens, he’ll be collateral damage. McIntyre, he’s obsessed with him but Punk is obsessed with getting his first-ever ‘Mania main event and if it means beating all of them, he’ll do it. On top of that, someone is buying souls…Punk says McIntyre prayed for his demise but he doesn’t even have a soul to sell as Punk already took that at Hell at a Cell in October. Punk said it’s time to get serious and if anybody wakes up and doesn’t feel like showing up, like Cena, he understands. This isn’t about them, it’s about him. Rollins says Punk won’t main event WrestleMania over his dead body. McIntyre says Punk is due an injury and his taking his ass out tomorrow. Punk says he’s kicked McIntyre’s ass for duty, profit, and for fun. Priest said McIntyre is gonna be complaining tomorrow. Rollins says Punk’s chants are gonna die tomorrow with his ‘Mania dreams…

And then, they saved the best for last. Logan Paul pops the crowd entering to John Cena’s music and graphics. SAVAGE. Paul says the crowd thought it was John Cena as they boo him harshly. Paul says Cena doesn’t care about Canada. They can’t see him but they can see Paul. Paul says look at all those fulltimers putting in the work but Cena can’t even show up, classic celebrity wrestler. Pot meet kettle on that one. Paul turns his attention to Punk before starting with someone else, Rollins, the peacock of WWE. He says he wore curtians to work. He’s a great wrestler but he dressed like he lost a bet, like Lady Gaga threw up on a coat hanger. He congratulates McIntyre. He’s right at home. He can’t win a title and neither can the Maple Leafs. Huge boos there. On to Priest, Paul says he barely knows who he is, he’s irrelevant and Paul can’t relate. He heard he used to be a world champ but that’s crazy. He said you can have a priest standing in the ring, but he remains the answer to WWE’s prayers. Back to Punk, Paul says he wants to smack the expression off his face but he already did that on Monday. Punk chases Paul back up the ramp.

That was a lot. But it was fantastic. This is one of, if not, the most stacked chamber ever. Any of these guys could win and it would be the right choice.

United States Championship #1 Contender’s Tournament – LA Knight vs Santos Escobar

Escobar and Knight lock up as Knight begs Escobar forward. Another lock up as both guys size the other up. Escobar and Knight trade blows in the corner before Knight with a huge boot to counter Escobar running the ropes. Escobar takes out Knight in the corner and gets him against the ropes but Knight with a knee and a slam. Knight to top rope but Escobar gets out of the way and hits a huge kick to take back advantage. He pushes Knight into the ropes but Knight fights back sending Escobar out of the ring. Knight slides out but Escobar out the way. The two brawl on the outside as Escobar pushes Knight head first into the stairs. Back from the commercial break, Escobar with the slaps on Knight in the corner. Knight with the punches. Kicks from Escobar but Knight with neckbreaker. Both guys down. Escobar to his feet first. Escobar starting to work the arm of Knight but Knight with a rally on a counter. Huge slam to Escobar as Knight hits the L-A-Knight elbow drop. He beckons Escobar forward but Escobar is quick and works Knight into the corner. Knight with the stomps but this time Escobar moves out of the way. Both of these guys have the other scouted well. Escobar and Knight both up on the top and a huge superrana from Escobar but Knight kicks out! Incredible. Escobar pushes Knight back in the corner and starts hitting the kicks. He revs up the crowd. Escobar with all the momentum. Back to the top rope for the crossbody, but no, Knight reverses into a mid-air BFT for the win.

Sami Zayn makes his way to the ring for a Toronto homecoming. He’s dressed in street clothes and starts off by soaking in the crowd reaction. He looks wistful as he waves to the fans and the crowd chants his name. He doesn’t waste time though, and immediately starts by talking directly to Kevin Owens. Zayn says Owens has been doing a lot of running and hiding but he knows for a fact he’s in Toronto tonight. Zayn is here right now and if Owens has something he wants to say, he’s inviting him out there out of respect for everything they have been threw. He wants him to look him in the eye in front of their countrymen and say his final peace. Zayn will then say his and after tomorrow, there will be nothing left to say. Owens doesn’t come out as he’s at an empty Rogers Centre. Owens says the two of them have had a lot of fights in Toronto but never somewhere like that. Tomorrow is the biggest match they’ve ever had against each other. Owens says he’s not the bad guy in this situation. Everything that’s happened and that will happen tomorrow, Zayn deserves. Owens says after tomorrow night and he’s ended Zayn’s career and he’s stuck to a wheelchair and can’t provide for his family anymore, Owens needs him to know he won’t help them. He will watch them suffer because this is all Zayn’s fault. Zayn says he’s been nervous all week but he’s not nervous about what might happen to him, he’s nervous about what he’ll do to Owens. He’s nervous Owens’ parents and wife and kids are not going to be able to forgive him but if they don’t, he’s prepared to live with that because he’s prepared to end Owens tomorrow. Owens says there is one thing left to say, “see you tomorrow night.”

The Miz and Hayes are backstage as Miz is hyping up their new tag team and the names and catchphrases before Rhodes walks over. Miz wonders what he’s gonna do. He lives in Hollywood but the Rock runs it. He says the WWE universe doesn’t get it. They see him as a the champ and face of the company but both of them know that there is so much more. Miz knows Rhodes wants more and the only way he’s going to get it is if he takes the offer. And if he doesn’t, maybe someone else will…

Carmelo Hayes vs Braun Strowman

Strowman’s size advantage showing early as he’s just pushing Hayes in and out of the ring. Strowman takes Hayes out on the outside as Tama Tonga runs in for the distraction and Sikoa hits Strowman with a chair before Strowman hits Sikoa with the chair and takes out Tonga. Guess none of that calls for a DQ. However, Hayes isn’t dumb. Hayes with the Eddie Guerrero flop as Strowman has the chair. Ref has no choice but to call it and give Hayes the DQ win.

Naturally, that doesn’t sit well with Strowman, who takes his anger out on Tonga with a powerslam in the middle of the ring.

Backstage with Bayley, Naomi, and Bianca Belair to hype up the six-man tag tonight. All three are talking about the chamber and how they want their hands on Liv Morgan first. Tonight they’ll handle it but tomorrow, may the best woman win.



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