
Carolina fires updates: Emergency in North and South Carolina as forest fires that operate mass evacuations

Watch how forestfire houses in Carolina Forest threaten

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Firefighters fought around 170 blaces in North and South Carolina all weekend, including a huge fire near Myrtle Beach, which doubled overnight on Saturday.

The Blaze near Carolina Forest, a municipality west of the tourist place in Horry County, extended over 1,600 acres. From Sunday evening, according to the South Carolina Forestry Commission, there were 30 percent.

The video showed firefighters who fought against flames when the fire approached the houses in the area. Later on Sunday, the officials announced that the residents of all parts of the city were previously evacuated due to Carolina Forest's forest fire.

The governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, explained an emergency “to further support the state of reaction of the state” and to ensure that first aiders “continue to have the resources they need”.

In North Carolina, a brush fire threatened around 40 miles south of Asheville in the mountains in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The fire had burned between 400 and 500 Acres and, according to the emergency management of Polk County, was zero percent according to Sunday afternoon.

The crews work a fire in Carolina Forest west of Myrtle Beach Feuer

According to the Horry County Fire Rescue, the crews in the Carolina Forest Area west of the Coastal Resort City of Myrtle Beach, where the residents were instructed to evacuate several districts.

The South Carolina Forestry Commission estimated the Sunday afternoon that the fire burned with 4.9 square kilometers about 1.9 square miles with containment of zero percentages. No structures had succumbed to the fire by Sunday morning, and officials were not reported until Sunday morning.

The 410 personnel involved in the efforts were expected until the fire was adhered to, said firefighters of the district. The evacuations were expected to remain on Sunday, and the civil servants warned the residents of the Carolina Forest area with go-bags and emergency plans if more evacuations were called in their neighborhoods.

Watch how forestfire houses in Carolina Forest threaten

Watch how forestfire houses in Carolina Forest threaten

Gustaf KilanderMarch 3, 2025 05:31

Condition of the forest fires that burn in North Caroilna,

The firefighters in North Carolina fight in four national forests with several forest fires, with the largest burning in Uwharrie National Forest, about 80 km east of Charlotte, around 80 km (about 80 km).

The US forest service said the 400 hectare fire on Sunday afternoon reached about a third.

In Polk County, the small town of Tryon remains under evacuation regulations, as a separate running fire further spreads.

The Blaze, which 500 ACRES (202 hectares) sunk without containment, prompted the officials to push some residents on Saturday.

Stuti MishraMarch 3, 2025 04:50

Blackthorn drive fire 100% contain

One of two forest fires by Carolina Forest Area, which burned around 2,000 acres at the weekend, is completely included.

According to the South Carolina Forest Commission, the Blackthorn Drive Fire, the smaller of the two. is 100 percent included.

Stuti MishraMarch 3, 2025 04:18

Crews battle forest fires in North and South Carolina under dry conditions and gusty winds

The crews fought against forest fires in North and South Carolina on Sunday, and in some areas were ordered in the dry conditions and evacuations and evacuations.

The national weather service warned of an increased risk of fire in the region due to a combination of critically dry fuels and very low relative humidity.

In South Carolina, governor Henry McMaster explained an emergency on Sunday to support the reaction efforts for forest fires, and a nationwide burning ban remained in force.

Clock: Forest fires spreads on the beach of Myrtle, which causes evacuations

Forest fires spread on the beach of Myrtle and cause evacuations

Mike BediganMarch 3, 2025 03:00

Horry County Schools to return on Monday

Horry County's schools will be operated on Monday based on a regular schedule based on re -entrance protocols in several quarters of Carolina Forest, district officials said.

“We realize that many students, their families and employees can still be affected by the forest fires. We endeavor to be flexible tomorrow and to work with everyone, ”said spokeswoman Lisa Bourcier in a statement.

“If you or your family have challenges due to the fires, we encourage you to contact your school to discuss your specific circumstances and needs.”

Mike BediganMarch 3, 2025 02:30

Evacuated residents were allowed to return home

Evacuated residents in the Carolina Forest Area von Myrtle Beach were allowed to return home on Sunday afternoon, but were warned to be vigilant.

From 4:25 p.m., the residents of all districts received walking to go home.

The representative of South Carolina 56, Tim McGinnis, said that nobody was injured or killed and no structures have been lost.

After several fires, a fire ban was issued on Thursday in Horry County.

Mike BediganMarch 3, 2025 02:00

Myrtle Beach Fire grew to 1,600 tomorrow at the summit

In its largest forest fire of the California forest, the South Carolina Forestry Commission grew to more than 1,600 hectares, reported on its official chase. From 5:30 p.m. it was 30 percent.

During the majority of the Sunday officials, the size of the fire was 1,200 acres.

Mike BediganMarch 3, 2025 01:30

In pictures: Firefighters pack blazes in the Carolinas


Mike BediganMarch 3, 2025 01:00