
Castin Town meet date changed to June 7th

Annaleis Hafford by Olver Associates explains the potential designs for the Sea Street Pump Station in Castine. By David Avery

Castin – Castine's annual city meeting, which is originally planned for May, was postponed to Saturday, June 7th, at 8:30 a.m.

In the past, the city meeting took place on the second Saturday in May and was originally planned for May 10, but the availability of city officials and the meeting area in Emerson Hall required the change of the date. The change was approved on Monday, March 3, at the regular meeting of the Castine Select Board.

In other actions, the board accepted gifts worth more than 20,000 US dollars in the form of fire fighting equipment. The equipment was made by the Castine Fire Rescue Volunteer Association, a non -profit organization that collects money for the department.

The equipment includes a trailer and other devices to fight forest fires. An all-terrain vehicle will also contain when this order has been completed, the deputy boss Jack Spratt wrote in a letter to the board.

In other measures of the meeting, the board of Annaleis Hafford, Vice President of Olver Associates, heard the company that operates castines water and sewage systems. Hafford presented preliminary drawings by a reconstructed building of the Sea Street Pump station.

The pump is an important connection in the chestnine wastewater disposal system, which was almost flooded last winter. It is replaced by new devices and a storm -expressed design, Hafford told the audience.

The designs for the building included a possible brick facade that corresponds to the style of the nearby buildings of the Maine Maritime Academy or perhaps the cedar -like vinyl shingles or flap board.

The building is accommodated in an increased concrete to protect them from flooding in the future, said Hafford.

Much of the money for the project comes from a federal grant, but the building itself is not included in these means, said Hafford.

The resident looks the weak view of the street latter

The board unanimously agreed to switch off a street lamp in the Perkins Street. The light shines brightly in nearby houses, including a homeowner who asked for it to be switched off.

“If there was a security problem, I wouldn't be here,” said the resident Larry Rosen to the board. The board agreed to a three -month experiment that eliminated the light.

The board too:

. Obliged to have used the volunteers to remove the visitor center in the Town Dock in summer in the Town Dock of the Town Dock.

. Agreed for two committees, one for early childhood education in the city and the other in relation to affordable living space. Volunteers are sought for both.

. The city administrator, Derik Goodine, heard eight applications for the part -time position of the coordinator received the economic development of the community.

. Approved a special theater production that is due to take place in Fort Madison in August. Marvin Merritt and Georgia Zildjian from Isle Theater Company described it as a local theater project that brings an original production for several appearances.

The next board meeting will take place on Monday, March 17th, at 4 p.m.