
Cheerleaders rush off the stage after watching “Shooting frightened” at Dalla's event, watching viral video

The Dallas police arrived at the crime scene at around 1 p.m. on Saturday. The police department confirmed that there was no active shooter in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. Further information is published if available.

The cheerleaders were stormed off the stage in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Convention in Dallas, Texas, during the All-Star National Championship of the National Cheerleading Association (NCA). The event location was evacuated on Saturday, with some people claiming that a shootout had occurred.

Social media videos showed people who ran across streets and called on a suspected active shooter.

The Dallas police arrived at the crime scene at around 1 p.m. on Saturday. The police department confirmed that there was no active shooter in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. Further information is published if available.

Varsity Brands, the organizers of the NCA -Cheer competition, announced that the event had been suspended for the rest of the day.

The police reported that a fight between two people in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center fell several Poles on Saturday afternoon and caused a loud noise within the event location. The police confirmed that there was no shootout.

The noise led to panic, which caused people to hurried outside in a rush, which led to several non -life -threatening injuries, the police said.

The all-star championship of the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA), which takes place this weekend in the congress center, was expected to move to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. A spokesman confirmed that the competition will continue on Sunday.

The spokesman for the Varsity Brands, Brian Bianco, said that the all-star championship of the National Cheerleaders Association will be resumed on Sunday. The NCA works under Department for Versity -Spirit -Spirituos from Versity Brands.

The Dallas police confirmed that the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center “as a precaution” was evacuated.

The authorities added that they would “suspend activities for today” and coordinate with event employees to “ensure a safe environment if we resume the event”.

Event security officers support the police in the investigation of the security concerns registered at the event location.