
Child supervisor learn burnout prevention tips – Panhandle

“Your well -being affects everyone and everything in your life. They take care of our future, ”she said.

She checked the symptoms of burnout and shared tools she said she saved her health and marriage.

“Joy is the antidote against everything,” said Ramsey. “Even after an atrocity, which is only part of the human condition, we can decide how we will continue. Request as many new starts as you need. “

She informed an experience when she saw a young man at an airport with a T-shirt with the expression that did not enjoy it. She spoke to him about the sentence and learned that he came from a friend named Joy, who teased her friends when they were putting her off and said: “Don't postpone it.” When the young woman was killed in a car accident, her friends had the T-shirts print and wore them in their honor.

Ramsey led the group into breathing exercises that are supposed to provide centering and grounding.

“You are a magnet. They either attract positively or negatively. You decide how to react and where you will put your energy, ”she said. “We always agree with the energy of others around us. Make sure you meet the type of energy you want in your life. “

Ramsey informed the conference participants that their emotions can provide important information.

“Greet your feelings and then let them go. You are data. Note what you tell you, ”she said. “Ask yourself whether a problem will be important in five years. If this is not the case, don't spend five minutes with it. “

Ramsey announced Prosa that she wrote about her young granddaughter in December 2020 to develop the courage to create an empty canvas instead of just scribbling in the lines. When the child received an empty sheet of paper and was asked to color everything she wanted, marveled Ramsey about the extensive rainbow, heart and math equations that the child created.

“Think of your life. Certainly think about how you will appear for the week. Think expansive. Make yourself your biggest project, ”she said. “Think about the goals you want to celebrate at this conference next year.”

She shared an example of a memorable moment when her grandchildren asked her where bees slept in Kentucky on her 54 hectare lavender farm. A few days later she noticed that a bee was rolled up on a flower as if she was sleeping. She brought the flower to her deck and checked it the next morning. The bee was still slept together. She took a photo and shared it with her grandchildren.

“I could have just ignored your question, but I paid attention to it, and then the answer came. This will happen again and again when you welcome it and are aware of your priorities, ”she said.

Gratitude is another approach that, according to Ramsey, offers more fun in everyday life.

“Have grateful parties in your center. Gratitude should be an essential part of your program. Write down an unforgettable moment every day, ”she said.

She advised the audience to enter into an abundance and not a way of thinking.

“Go with a labyrinth. Start more fun. Show yourself more love. Love is unlimited and the possibilities are endless, ”she said.

Ramsey and her family have built a labyrinth on their lavender farm and tried to run Labyrinth when she travels to make presentations.

She encouraged childcare workers to improve daily routines, a practice that is also called inspiration stacking. She installed an app on her phone to identify birds and recorded 14 different ways. When she realized how much this contact with nature she revitalized, she put a bird feed station in front of the window with her training bike so that she could watch the birds while working on her fitness goals.

Another tool that Ramsey said will help prevent burnout.

“Deepak Chopra says when things are uncertain are the possibilities. Uncertainty is magical. I was skeptical when I heard it for the first time, but now I think it completely, ”she said.