
Church and community groups to organize Eaton Fire Recovery events – Pasadena now

On Saturday, March 8, new Revels Baptist -Kirchen and Community Organizations will organize a day of recovery events to support the residents affected by the devastating Eaton Fire. The events include a gas advertising gift, a resource festival and a free comedy show that aims to offer a community after the catastrophe in January both practical help and emotional relief.

The initiative will take place two months after the devastating Eaton Fire.

The day begins with a gas advertising gift from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Mobil -petrol station in the Woodbury Road in Altadena, where the first 150 vehicles receive free gas worth 50 USD.

After the gas advertising ghost, a “Festival of Fun & Resources” takes place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the New Revelation Baptist Church in Pasadena. The festival is equipped with cars and laptop advertising gifts, a play cart, free food and additional resources for fire-related residents.

The day ends with a free comedy show from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the same church town with comedian J-Red and special guests and offers an urgently needed ease for a community that deals with considerable losses.

These events are part of a wider reaction of the community to the fire that started a number of actions.

Local organizations have significantly involved in the recovery efforts. The Boys & Girls Club in Pasadena opened its Slavik Clubhaus to distribute free essential objects and began to collect donations and gift cards for affected families. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank also accepted donations to support fire victims.

The city of Pasadena and the Black History Planning Committee converted the annual black history festival, which was planned for February 15, 2025, from its traditional parade format into a community support event in Robinson Park and combines cultural celebrations with essential services for the Affected.

From February 14, the Pasadena Community Foundation has collected over 15 million US dollars for its Eaton Fire Relief and Recovery Fund and distributed to organizations that provide direct support and psychological support to those affected.

The district of Los Angeles County's office has damaged or destroyed the application for postponement of property tax and the application for new evaluation property by misfortune or misfortune to support the owners concerned.

For those who need additional financial support, the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs launched the La County HouseHold Relief Grant Program, which will distribute 32.2 million dollars to fire survivors. Appropriate households can receive up to $ 18,000, with the applications opened by March 12. In addition, the Ministry of Economic Courtes offers additional fire relief funds for small companies, non -profit organizations and employees affected by the disaster.

The Small Business Administration set up a deadline for small business owners, tenants and homeowners on March 10, 2025 to apply for disaster relief.

Representatives of socalgas have worked to inspect and restore customer service and to build a community information stand in the Pasadena City College community.

The US Army Corps of Engineers started in phase 2 cleaning and on February 22, 2025, the removal of ruins from its first Eaton fire brigade in Altadena completed. The Corps aims to complete all affected properties by January 8, 2026 after they have been strictly strictly strictly deleted environmental and security protocols.

Local civil servants are also working on optimizing the reconstruction process, so that property owners are up to 10% larger and at the same time qualify an accelerated “line” permits.

Pasadena Unified School District has launched a Community Outreach initiative that offers comprehensive support for mental health to help the students process and recover the effects of the fire. The initiative combines social-emotional learning with crisis management activities and psychiatric services and offers students and families free support regardless of the insurance status. Local therapy centers also offer group therapy support for families affected by the Eaton Fire with special programs for children and adults.

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