
Civil Air Patrol Building captures fire at Sikorsky Airport: Officially

At around 6:30 a.m., Bridgeport fire brigade people were called to the airport to achieve a registered structural tax, said Shawna White, the spokesman for the city.

Stratford firefighters were also sent and arrived at first, said White.

The responding units “met a one and a half story building that was completely involved,” said White. “The building was an old building of civilian air patrol,” she added.

According to White, nobody was injured in the fire, including first aiders.

Bridgeport firefighters said in a Facebook post that the fire was brought under control within about 30 minutes. Photos that were posted by the agency showed that the fire fully consumed most of the structure.

The Civil Air Patrol is an auxiliary run of the US air weapon by a non -profit organization that is chartered by the congress. The work of the volunteer organization includes support in disasters and in search and rescue operation.