
Clock: Korns Brian 'Kopf' which plays 'blind' and flyleaf “I'm so sick” with Lacey Sturm

grain guitarist Brian “head” what tied together Flyleaf Singer Lacey storm On stage last Friday evening (February 28th) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's Spirit Hall, for a section of the grain classic “Blind” as well as Flyleaf'S “I'm so sick”. Fan Filmed video of his appearance can be seen below.

Back in 2021, What'S Love and death Side Project published the official music video for “Let me Love You”A fan -favorite coverage of DJ snake And Justin Bieber'S hit hit with Storm.

Lacey published her second solo album, “Kenotic Metanoia”in November 2023.

Flyleaf played his first concert Storm In 11 years on April 27, 2023 at the BBQ of Schoepf in Belton, Texas.

Storm left Flyleaf in October 2012. It was replaced by Kristen Maywho recorded an album with the group, 2014's “Between the stars”before leaving.

Flyleaf Had no longer performed live in front of the Belton concert since 2016.

In an interview with Ned From iowa Rock 108 Radio station, Lacey talked about how she was reunited again Flyleaf for their first live shows together for more than a decade. She said: “Well, actually my assistant, who was on tour with us from the start Flyleaf; We were called Passer -by at that time. We toured in an 88 Ford Club car, and we had a few equipment in the back with a mattress at the top, and they could climb up and sleep there. She actually came on tour with us to be a stylist – whatever we needed. She was with us from the start. So she married. And we hadn't seen each other in ten years, nine years, and so we all ended up at the wedding. And so it started. “

Storm continued that you re -denied with Flyleaf Came together in an “organic” way than with some of the other top-class band reunitements in recent years. “I think it had to be like that,” she said. “There were some offers for us to come back together, to make reunification shows, but we hadn't seen each other, and everyone had a different life, many children. So it made no sense during this time, but because we already connected it, we found it out.”