
Command & Conquer Game Source Code published by EA

EA took a big step to keep his classic Command & conquest Franchise, pass on the source code to the public for several games. From now on everyone can visit the official EA GITHUB page to download the source code for Command & conquest (Tiberian Dawn)Present Red alarm, Renegade, And Generals.

This code was published in the context of a general public license (GPL), which gives the public the rights to “lead, study, share or change” the games in any way that they consider correct. For monument conservationists, this means downloading and preserving these games in their original format. For Modders, this means that you can easily find the game files to create more optimized, convincing mods.

Given the passion that remains Command & conquestThere is no doubt that this publication will prove to be incredibly popular, especially for these modder with a view to expansion content or future improvements.

In addition to the publication of the source code Command & conquest Franchise with new steam workshop functionality for Renegade, generals, Tiberium wars, Kanes anger, And Tiberium Twilight. As already mentioned PC gamersEA has “updated all of the mission editor and World Builder tools so that they can publish cards directly in the Steam Workshop”.

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A new downloadable mod support pack also offers the files “Source .xml, scheme, script, shader and cards for all games that use the sage engine” that should make the modding easier. With this decline there is hope for new fan projects in the classic Command & conquest Series – although we have to wait to see what is planned.

We also have to wait to see whether the EA is drawn to attention again Command & conquest means that we can expect new developments for the franchise. Overall, the decisions of EA to publish the source code for the original, still loved games in the franchise can be seen as a great step towards maintaining and as a reward for the loyalty of the fan.

But there is a suspicious decay that this could be a forerunner for fleshier news, which is reminiscent of the franchise of new developments. This remains pure speculation, and only a gift horse could look in the mouth, but whatever the reason for the publication of the source code, it is great that it happens.

Those who want to examine the source code for those Command & conquest The series can now visit the Github page of EA to get more.