
Commerce is looking for comments on section 232 wood examination | Alston & Bird

The US Ministry of Trade has published the announcement of the request for public comments on § 232 examinations of holzimports. This is followed by President Trumps March 1, 2025 Executive Order 14223 to instruct trade, to initiate an investigation to determine the effects on the effects on the national security of imports of wood products: wood, wood and their derivative products. Commerce invites the public to make comments until April 1, 2025.

Commerce identifies several interested topics, including the demand for wood and wood in the USA, domestic production, foreign offer chains, the effects of foreign government subsidies and predatory trading practices, the feasibility of the increase in domestic wood and the capacity of imports as well as the effects of current trading policy on the domestic wood, the wood capacity and the Production production production.

After the public comment phase, Commerce will probably plan a public hearing. EO 14223 indicates the trade to complete the investigation and to submit a report on findings and recommendations to the president by November 26, 2025. The tariffs could follow the report within 90 days after receiving the president. The overall process is 10 to 12 months.

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