
Community members are concerned about broken fire hydrants in Florence

Community members complain about broken fire hydrants in Florence.

The members turned to ABC 15 to complain about two hydrants with broken fire along the Meadors Road in Florence.

The hydrants wrapped black plastic around them and stated that they did not operate.

ABC 15 turned to the city of Florence and Florence County because part of the Meadors Road is located in Florence County.

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Kevin Yokim, Administrator of Florence County, said the problem falls into the city of Florence.

However, Yokim said that he knew that the city with various rural fire brigades works together in their water service area to determine the number and the location of non -operating fire hydrants.

We are waiting to hear from officials with the city of Florence.

ABC 15 reported last week that there were four broken or non -operational fire hydrants in the Grove Park Community in the Hoffmeyer Road in Florence, and we turned to the Florence City Manager Scotty Davis about the hydrants broken fire.

Davis said that they are aware of the current list of fire hydrants who have to be repaired that were listed on Facebook.

“We have raised and accepted public offers from supply companies to support the pension crews in carrying out these repairs and have a local contractor in the near future,” said Davis.

The city of Florence works with the Florence County Fire/Rescue Coordinator and the Unified Fire District to improve the maintenance of hydrants outside the city limits.